About Jerry Vaiana

Welcome to DoggyHipCare.com, a passion project born from a lifetime of love for dogs. I’m Jerry Vaiana, your guide in this journey towards understanding and caring for our canine companions’ hip health.

Since the age of 6, dogs of all shapes and sizes have been an integral part of my life. Now, at 53, my experience spans decades, filled with the joy and challenges that come with caring for these wonderful animals. While my journey with dogs has been largely driven by personal experience, my professional life has been equally rich in expertise and learning.

As a Devry University graduate and an expert in EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), I bring a structured approach to the wealth of knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. My leadership role as the president of The Cable Guys Inc for over 25 years has honed my skills in strategic thinking and effective communication, which I now apply to sharing insights about canine health.

My motivation for starting this site is simple: Love. Love for dogs in all their wagging, loyal, and playful glory. This dedication was further fueled by my beautiful Lab-hound mix, Cara, who recently began limping, possibly with her hips or knees. Her struggle is a stark reminder of the challenges many dog owners face and the need for reliable, expert-driven guidance.

Through DoggyHipCare.com, I aim to blend my hands-on experiences with dogs and my professional expertise to offer valuable, relatable content. While I may jokingly call my posts ‘boring’, my goal is to provide practical, authoritative advice that keeps you coming back for more. Together, let’s ensure our furry friends enjoy a life of health, mobility, and happiness.